Dobókocka készlet - Cats (Meowster)

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  • webrend/images/termek_large/2023/kocka_2023_qworkshop_cats_meowster2_lrg.webp
  • webrend/images/termek_large/2023/kocka_2023_qworkshop_cats_meowster3_lrg.webp


Kiadó: Q-Workshop

Kiadás éve: 2023

Sorozat: Dobókocka készlet Cats



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CATS Modern Dice Set: Meowster

Here's the CATS Modern Dice Set: Meowster. Dark blue as the late evening sky, sparkling with tiny embers from the campfire; an effect provided by the material being mixed with glitter dust. The engravings are painted matte gold, making them classy and showing playful cats in their everyday activities. Beautiful, legible, fabulous. Just as you like it, just as you want it, just as you need it!

Mewoster is a stereotypical tomcat from proverbs and stories. Jinxing and prideful through and through. Everything in its path is at risk of falling down and breaking, which obviously calls for bad luck! Mainly it affects the dice rolls but in a spectacular fashion. Meowster guarantees that your critical failures will make you and others twist with laughter! Knowing that this is the true power of this tomcat, we have already learned from our mistakes. Now we know how to prepare our character's actions, so they can live and win. And now it's your turn!

Anti-lucky charm

The CATS Dice Set is remarkable not only because we dedicated it to our furry rulers… err, comrades. First of all, each dice is different - on the highest faces, cats are indulging themselves as they please. Additionally, some faces show one of their favorite things: a bowl of food or a ball of yarn! When you look closely, you will also see traces of a cat's feet -- because who will forbid them to walk on something freshly painted?

  • The more, the merrier — The set includes 7 items: a D6, a D8, a D10, a D12, a D20, a D100, and a Modern D4.
  • A Jinxer — The background of the dice is shimmering blue, with matte-gold paintings.
  • Cat Business — The highest faces show the silhouettes of cats in various poses, different for each dice.
  • Favorite toys — Apart from clear digits, there is a ball of yarn and a bowl of food on the dice faces.
  • The furry license — the CATS Modern Dice Set was created under the license granted to us with the imprint of an ink-soaked cat’s paw on a relevant legal document.

A Dobókocka készlet Cats sorozat többi tagja:

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Ingyenes szállítás 18000,- Ft felett, kizárólag GLS szállítás esetén
6035,- Ft
Várható érkezés: 20-30 nap
Ingyenes szállítás 18000,- Ft felett, kizárólag GLS szállítás esetén
6035,- Ft
Várható érkezés: 20-30 nap
Ingyenes szállítás 18000,- Ft felett, kizárólag GLS szállítás esetén
6035,- Ft
Várható érkezés: 20-30 nap
Ingyenes szállítás 18000,- Ft felett, kizárólag GLS szállítás esetén
6035,- Ft
Raktáron van
Azonnal kapható a boltban is
Ingyenes szállítás 18000,- Ft felett, kizárólag GLS szállítás esetén


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Ingyen szállítás Magyarországon belül 18000,- fölött, kizárólag GLS szállítás esetén.

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