A Gest of Robin Hood (Angol kiadás)

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  • webrend/images/termek_large/2024/tarsas_2024_gmt_agestofrobinhood2_lrg.webp
  • webrend/images/termek_large/2024/tarsas_2024_gmt_agestofrobinhood3_lrg.webp


A játék kiadása: Angol

A játék: Angol nyelvű

Játékosszám: 2 játékos

Játékidő: 90 perc

Ajánlott: 12 éves kortól


Szerző: Fred Serval

Kiadó: GMT Games LLC

Kiadás éve: 2024



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Azonnal kipróbálható

A kipróbálásról részletesen itt olvashatsz.

Guerilla tactics in Medieval England.

A Gest of Robin Hood is the second game in the Irregular Conflicts Series, further adapting the COIN system to depict peasant revolts, feudal tax collection, and outlaw activities in late 12th century medieval England. Transposing one of GMT’s most popular systems into a simpler format and a more approachable setting makes A Gest of Robin Hood perfect for newcomers to wargaming. At the same time, it also offers a tight challenge for more experienced wargamers who can enjoy a tense asymmetric duel in under an hour.


  • An ideal entry point to the COIN system and the ICS series: a two player, relatively low complexity game with a family friendly theme that plays in one hour and introduces all of the key concepts found in the COIN series.
  • A new hidden movement mechanic: The Sheriff will chase Robin Hood across Nottinghamshire to prevent him from organizing peasant revolts, but Robin can sneak away and hide amongst his Merry Men.
  • A second new hidden movement mechanic: Carriages serve as a simple twist on Lines of Communication, transferring wealth back to Nottingham while providing a target for robbery by the Merry Men—but some of them might be a trap, containing concealed Henchmen!
  • Random encounters with rich travelers: Robin Hood draws from the Travelers Deck when conducting a Rob action, then decides whether to play it safe or demand a larger ‘donation’ with potentially negative consequences.
  • A streamlined sequence of play: Further developing the two-player sequence of play first found in Colonial Twilight, this new sequence of play is easy to understand while still presenting difficult tactical decisions.

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