Great War Commander: British Expeditionary Force (Angol kiadás)

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Great War Commander


A játék kiadása: Angol

A játék: Angol nyelvű

Játékosszám: 2-3 játékos

A legjobb: 2 játékossal

Játékidő: 120 perc

Ajánlott: 12 éves kortól


Szerző: Pascal Toupy

Kiadó: Hexasim

Kiadás éve: 2024

Sorozat: Great War Commander játékok



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Great War Commander: British Expeditionary Force is the sequel to Great War Commander. Great War Commander: BEF's main theme is the addition of a new faction: Great Britain and their Dominions. This second game in the Great War Commander game series includes units, cards and scenarios depicting the fighting forces of this great nation.

  • Great Britain's own 72-card Fate Deck and 9-cards Strategy Deck highlighting its historical strengths and weaknesses
  • More than 200 counters depicting the British forces, weapons and tanks!
  • 12 new stunning maps
  • 16 new scenarios
  • 1 campaign
  • An updated Random Scenario Generator incorporating the new nationality and new battles. This Random Scenario Generator system provides an almost unending variety of map configurations, force structures and combat situations. Replayability for Great War Commander gets even better with this new addition to the family.
  • New German weapons and of course….German tanks!

Like its mother game Combat Commander, Great War Commander is one of those rare, exceptional values in board wargaming – a game that can be revisited time and time again, each time with a new story to tell.

Great War Commander: British Expeditionary Force also includes an updated Rulebook (version 1.1) incorporating all known errata and clarifications.

Please note: Great War Commander: British Expeditionary Force is not a stand-alone game. You will need to own Great War Commander in order to play it.

A Great War Commander játékok sorozat többi tagja:


47918,- Ft
Várható érkezés: 20-30 nap
Ingyenes szállítás 18000,- Ft felett, kizárólag GLS szállítás esetén


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